Calendario de conferencias y eventos

401 - 500 de un total de 1712


28/03/2019 - 12:30
CTA: the Cherenkov Telescope Observatory for VHE Gamma Ray astronomy
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), currently in construction, shall be the Cherenkov Telescope Observatory for VHE Gamma Ray Astronomy, and shall provide crucial data for the understanding of the extreme universe in the recently open multimessenger era. The goals and characteristics of the project will be reviewed, and the current status and plans presented. In addition, the crucial role of the Spanish community in this project will be...
Manel Martinez
16/05/2019 - 12:30
Active Galactic Nuclei and their large-scale structure: an eROSITA mock catalogue
I will present in this talk a methodology to construct mock catalogs for X-ray selected AGN samples based on dark matter only N-body simulations. With this method, we predict observed AGN magnitudes in the UV, optical and NIR bands, by adopting a set of empirical spectral energy distributions.
Dr. Johan Comparat
25/04/2019 - 12:30
Cosmic Dust in Planetary Atmospheres
In this seminar I will describe the results of a large study designed to determine the input rate of cosmic dust to the terrestrial atmosphere, using a self-consistent treatment of cosmic dust from the outer solar system to the Earth’s surface.
John Plane
13/03/2019 - 12:30
Signatures of a jet cocoon in early spectra of a supernova associated with a gamma-ray burst
Thanks to a detailed observational monitoring and an accurate spectral synthesis analysis of the early phases of SN 2017iuk, we conclude that these features originate from the mildly relativistic hot cocoon that is generated by the GRB ultra-relativistic jet, while it is expanding and decelerating into the medium surrounding the progenitor star.
Dr. Luca Izzo
31/01/2019 - 19:00
Metano en Marte: ¿de qué estamos hablando?
Revisamos las evidencias de la existencia de metano en Marte y sus posibles implicaciones
José Juan López Moreno
Este año 2019, la Unión Astronómica Internacional (IAU-, el máximo organismo internacional en Astronomía, cumple 100 años. Por este motivo a lo largo del año se van a realizar toda una serie de eventos y actividades de divulgación astronómica. En el IAA tendrá lugar una jornada de puertas abiertas el próximo 11 de enero
10/01/2019 - 12:30
The road to the Square Kilometre Array
New and existing facilities operating at submm-to-m wavelengths are shedding new light on the formation of planets, black holes, and even the first galaxies. These telescopes provide the test bed for the technological advancements required to build the next generation of large radio telescopes, like the Square Kilometre Array (SKA).
Dr. Jeff Wagg
07/03/2019 - 12:30
High-velocity Molecular Clouds near the Galactic Center
The central region of our Galaxy contains a huge amount of molecular gas. This region is often referred to as the "central molecular zone (CMZ)". The recent ALMA observations toward this HVCC revealed orbital motions around an invisible massive object, which is probably an intermediate-mass black hole.
Yuhei Iwata
13/12/2018 - 19:00
Inteligencia artificial y big data: el poder de los datos
Inteligencia artificial y big data: el poder de los datos. Conferencia de divulgación
Francisco Herrera
13/02/2019 - 12:30
THOT: Dating stars
Life, planets, exoplanetary systems, stars, and our galaxy evolve with time, and the best and sometimes only way for understanding this evolution is dating stars. THOT is a Marie Curie Project devoted to gathering and updating all the stellar dating techniques into a single computational tool. In this presentation, I will present some of the most promising techniques for stellar dating, and show the current main contributions of this project (...
Dr. Andres Moya
29/11/2018 - 19:00
La constante de Hubble-Lemaître: ¿de verdad es una constante?
La Unión Astronómica Internacional recomendaba recientemente, tras un debate abierto, que el ritmo de expansión del universo, denominado tradicionalmente "constante de Hubble", se denomine a partir de ahora "constante de Hubble-Lemaître".
Emilio J. Alfaro
15/11/2018 - 12:30
The habitability of stagnant-lid Earths around dwarf stars
We show that Earth-like stagnant-lid planets allow for habitable surface conditions within a continuous habitable zone that is dependent on interior composition.
Dra. Mareike Godolt
08/11/2018 - 12:30
What we (don't) know about the trans-Neptunian objects
The first trans-Neptunian object was discovered in 1930 and we waited over 60 years to discover the second one. The discovery of Albion (a.k.a. 1992QB1) enticed the minor bodies community to characterize the new population, called collectively as trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs). Today we know the existence of over 2,000 objects and counting. Nevertheless, it seems that we have reached our technological limitation in terms of observational studies...
Dr. Alvaro Alvarez-Candal
25/10/2018 - 19:00
El puzzle de Arp299. Agujeros negros que devoran estrellas
En enero de 2005 se detectaba, en el núcleo de la galaxia en proceso de fusión Arp 299-B, un brillante destello que se consideró una explosión supernova. Sin embargo, diez años de observaciones en distintas longitudes de onda han permitido presenciar cómo la región luminosa se alargaba y expandía, y concluir que se trata de un chorro de material expulsado por el agujero negro supermasivo central de la galaxia tras desgarrar una estrella.
Miguel Ángel Pérez-Torres
29/11/2018 - 12:30
Spirals, rings and arcs around evolved stars
We searched the complete archive of the HST and Spitzer to characterise rings and arcs around evolved low-mass stars (AGB stars, proto-PNe and PNe), study their physical properties and address their formation mechanisms. In this talk, we present the observational results of our survey, the predictions of simple radiation-hydrodynamic simulations as well as the future of the project.
Dr. Jesús Toala
22/11/2018 - 12:30
Time variable processes of Sagittarius A*, the massive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way
Date: 22/11/2018 . 12:30 hrs Speaker: Dr. Gunther Witzel Affiliation: Max-Planck-Institute for Radioastronomy, Bonn, Germany.
Dr. Gunther Witzel
07/02/2019 - 12:30
Mars UV atmospheric emissions
In this talk we will summarize our recent analysis of observations performed by the instrument SPICAM on the Mars Express mission on the dayside of the planet, and by the instrument IUVS on board MAVEN on the nightside of the planet.
Dr. Francisco González Galindo
13/12/2018 - 12:30
The RadioAstron active galactic nuclei (AGN) polarization Key Science Project (KSP) aims at exploiting the unprecedented angular resolution provided by RadioAstron to study jet launching/collimation and magnetic-field configuration in AGN jets. The targets of our KSP are some of the most powerful blazars in the sky. I will present observations at 1.4 GHz and 22 GHz of 3C273, performed in 2014, designed to reach a maximum baseline of...
Gabriele Bruni
12/04/2019 - 12:30
Imaging a black hole with the Event Horizon Telescope
We have imaged the shadow of the central black hole in the radiogalaxy M87. This required assembling the Event Horizon Telescope, a global VLBI array observing at a wavelength of 1.3 mm capable of achieving an angular resolution of 20 microarcsecond (uas). We have resolved the central region of M87 into an asymmetric bright emission ring with a diameter of 42+-3 uas, which is circular and encompass a central depression in brightness with a flux...
Dr. Jose Luis Gómez
17/01/2019 - 12:30
In this talk I will show you a study on the detectability of the emission associated with the AGN dusty structure at sub-mm wavelengths using ALMA, in a theoretical and observational way.
Dr. Alice Pasetto
24/01/2019 - 12:30
Observing Planet Formation with the VLA in the era of ALMA
In only four years, ALMA has radically changed the field of planet formation. We are currently obtaining very detailed images of the dust emission in protoplanetary disks with an unprecedent sensitivity and high angular resolution.
Dr. Carlos Carrasco
21/02/2019 - 12:30
Planck Cosmological Legacy: the next CMB polarization experiments
The results and products derived from the third and final release of data from the Planck mission will be reviewed with emphasis on the implications for cosmology.
Prof. Enrique Martinez
27/09/2018 - 12:30
ASKAP and HI in Galaxies
I will divide my talk into three parts, starting with an overview of CSIRO’s Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF), especially our telescopes (ASKAP...
Baerbel Koribalski
18/10/2018 - 12:30
An unusual autumn Elevated Stratopause Event (ESE)
IAA Seminar Date: 18/10/2018 . 12:30 hrs Speaker: Dr. Maya Garcia Comas
Dr. Maya García Comás
11/10/2018 - 12:30
The planetary nebula HuBi 1, a rebel with a cause
Planetary nebulae, the descendants of low- and intermediate-mass stars, have characteristic onion-like ionization structure, with the highest ionization species closer to the central star. This is true for all planetary nebulae, but HuBi 1, which shows an inverted ionization inner shell. There is a reason for this oddity, a peculiar stellar evolution of its central star, which makes HuBi 1 the missing link of the population of cool C-rich...
Dr. Martin Guerrero
06/09/2018 - 12:30
Optical spectroscopy of local type-1 AGN LINERs
The Balmer emission originated in the broad line region (BLR) of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) could be either weak and difficult to detect, or even absent, for low luminosity AGNs, as low ionization nuclear emission-line regions (LINERs). This makes LINERs challenging to fit in the AGN unification scheme. Moreover, a long debate can be found in the literature proposing different ionization sources at the origin of optical emission lines and no...
Dr. Sara Cazzoli
25/10/2018 - 12:30
The Arp299B-AT1 puzzle: First resolved imaging of a tidal disruption event
Date: 25/10/2018 . 12:30 hrs Speaker: Dr. Miguel Angel Pérez-Torres Affiliation: IAA-CSIC, Spain
Dr. Miguel Angel Pérez-Torres
Este verano, súbete a un observatorio
Abierto el plazo de reservas para las visitas de verano al Observatorio de Sierra Nevada y a la radioantena de 30 metros IRAM
28/06/2018 - 19:00
¡Haumea me hizo un guiño! El increíble planeta enano Haumea
Un guiño estelar a 7600 millones de kilómetros: el increible planeta enano Haumea
Pablo Santos Sanz
28/06/2018 - 12:30
Extreme quasars at high redshift
The study of the AGN accreting close to the Eddington limit (L/LEdd~1) has taken an important role, due to their potential use as standard candles for cosmological applications. With the purpose to understand the physics of extreme quasar, we perform a spectroscopic analysis of a sample of highly accreting quasars at high redshift (z~2–3). Our sample were observed with the OSIRIS spectrograph on the GTC 10.4 m telescope located at the...
Dr. Maryloli Martinez Aldama
13/09/2018 - 12:30
The peculiar case of the active galactic nuclei in PBC J2333.9-2343
Under unification schemes, active galactic nuclei (AGN) can be explained by orientation effects. However, some sources show properties at different frequencies that led to incongruent classifications and cannot be explained by such unification scheme. This is the case of PBC J2333.9-2343; its optical spectrum is of a type 2 AGN but its X-ray spectrum does not show signs of absorption, and in the radio it has many features typical of a blazar but...
Dr. Lorena Hernández-García
20/09/2018 - 12:30
Slender CaiiH fibrils observed by SUNRISE II
The special observing conditions of the SUNRISE observatory allow obtaining observations in the UV with unprecedented temporal stability and spatial resolution. On its second scientific flight, the Sunrise Filter Imager (SUFI) was used to record a time series of narrow-band intensity images in the CaiiH line for approximately one hour at a cadence of 7 seconds. This unique dataset enabled us to characterize the morphological properties of 598...
Dr. Ricardo Gafeira
08/10/2018 - 11/10/2018
14th EVN Symposium & Users Meeting
24/05/2018 - 19:00
Sonificación, la sinfonía de las estrellas
En esta charla introduciremos el sonido como superposición de ondas mecánicas cuyas frecuencias dependen del tamaño y de las propiedades de la cuerda o cavidad del instrumento que la produce. Comentaremos la analogía entre una estrella y un instrumento musical.
Javier Pascual y Sebastiano de Franciscis
28/05/2018 - 30/05/2018
VI Meeting on Fundamental Cosmology
17/05/2018 - 12:30
The Empirical Grounds of Supernova-Gamma-ray Burst connection
I will review the status of the SN-GRB connection. Present data suggest that SNe associated with GRBs form a heterogeneous class of objects including both bright and faint Hypernovae. Some of the special conditions requested by a massive star to become a GRB are discussed.
Prof. Massimo Della Valle
14/06/2018 - 12:30
PLATO: de cazar a domesticar sistemas planetarios
Today, stellar and planetary physics enjoy an unprecedented boost thanks to space technology. From the first missions such as MOST and CoRoT, to Kepler / K2 and the recently launched TESS, hundreds of new exoplanets have been detected by photometric transits, and thousands more are to be confirmed. The main objective of these missions are to find new planetary systems, around other stars similar to our Sun. Logical detection bias due to...
Dr. Juan Carlos Suárez
07/06/2018 - 12:30
Physical and statistical properties of High Frequency Peaked blazars
In the class of active galactic nuclei (AGNs), blazars are the most extreme objects, with their relativistic jets closely aligned to our line-of-sight. The emission of blazars is mostly non-thermal, spanning the entire electromagnetic spectrum, and is often linearly polarized providing us with important insights on the magnetic field structure. An emerging radio-loud AGN population is represented by high synchrotron peaked (HSP) blazars,...
Dr. Lico
10/09/2018 - 13/09/2018
10/05/2018 - 12:30
Stellar activity blurring our insight into the properties of exoplanets
Stellar activity can provide important information regarding the structure, evolution, and the atmosphere of the stars, as well as their magnetic filed and mechanisms that generate them. On the other hand stellar activity introduces severe astrophysical noise in the collected data in the quest for what might be called Earth 2.0. In this talk, I will present main obstacles and difficulties which stellar activity poses on the detection and...
Dr. Mahmoudreza Oshagh
26/04/2018 - 12:30
Lightning – from Its Base to Space
Lightning has been studied for centuries with surprisingly meager progress since the early breakthroughs of Franklin. There are numerous reasons for this lack of progress: lightning is complex, it is very energetic with large peak power - hard for in-situ probes to survive, it is spatially and temporally sparse – hard to place a sensor in an optimal location. However, modern technological advances and innovations have led to new remote...
Prof. Hugh Christian
18/04/2018 - 12:30
Recreating the Early Mass-Loss Histories of pre Planetary Nebulae
Hubble images of the amazing symmetries of young planetary nebulae have captured the imagination of the public. Scientifically, unravelling the physics of their ejection histories is the ultimate goal. I will present detailed surprisingly simple hydro outflow models that capture both the present shapes and the flow kinematics of several and very disparate nebulae.
Prof. Bruce Balick
13/04/2018 - 12:30
Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre: a dedicated facility for large sky surveys
The Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (OAJ) is an astronomical infrastructure conceived to carry out large sky, multi-filter astronomical surveys from the Northern hemisphere. It is fundamentally structured around two large field-of-view (FoV) telescopes and their corresponding panoramic instrumentation for direct imaging. OAJ main telescopes are the Javalambre Survey Telescope (JST/T250), a 2.55m telescope with a FoV of 3 deg diameter, and...
Dr. Antonio Marín-Franch
21/03/2018 - 10:00
MEGARA @ GTC: performance review and commissioning results
MEGARA, the optical multi-object spectrograph (MOS) for the GTC 10m telescope, has been developed by a Consortium whose partners are UCM, INAOE, IAA-CSIC and UPM. MEGARA has 2 observing modes on sky: (a) a central IFU 12.5” x 11.3” of 567 fibers, complemented with 8 x 7-fiber bundles for sky subtraction, and (b) a MOS mode with 92 robotic positioners, covering a total FoV of 3.5' x 3.5'. MEGARA provides intermediate-to-high spectral resolution (...
Dr. Jorge Iglesia
21/06/2018 - 12:30
Blazar Science with POLAMI: Polarimetric Monitoring of AGN at Millimeter Wavelengths
A pioneering long term program at the IRAM 30m Telescope dubbed POLAMI (Polarimetric Monitoring of AGN with Millimetre Wavelengths) observes the 4 Stokes parameters of the continuum emission at 3.5 and 1.3 mm, with a time sampling of ~2 weeks for the ~40 brighter sources in the northern sky. The XPOL polarimeter, connected to different heterodyne receiver sets, has been used since the beginning of our observations. In this talk I will introduce...
Dr. Iván Agudo
12/04/2018 - 12:30
The J-PAS and J-PLUS large sky surveys: an unprecedented view of the Universe in multi-colors
The Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre (OAJ), managed and operated by the Centro de Estudios de Física del Cosmos de Aragón (CEFCA), is mostly devoted to conduct large sky multi-filter surveys with two large field of view telescopes of 2.5m and 80cm and their respective panoramic instrumentation. The main survey to be carried out in the next years is J-PAS (Javalambre Physics of the Accelerating Universe Astrophysical Survey). Conceived as a...
Dr. Javier Cenarro
22/02/2018 - 19:00
IFMIF-DONES: instalación de un acelerador de partículas en Granada
Granada podría ser sede de una de las instalaciones de física nuclear más singulares y avanzadas a nivel mundial. Esta instalación, IFMIF-DONES, tiene como objetivo final el análisis del comportamiento de materiales bajo condiciones extremas de irradiación de neutrones.
Javier Praena
05/04/2018 - 12:30
ESERO Spain, del espacio al aula
Un proyecto de la ESA acogido en el Parque de las Ciencias para fomentar las vocaciones científico-tecnológicas en las primeras etapas educativas, haciendo uso del contexto del espacio.
Manuel Roca & Domingo Escutia
22/06/2018 - 12:30
What do environments can tell us about supernovae?
The advent of Integral Field Spectroscopy (IFS) applied to supernova (SN) environmental studies have shown the potential of this technique to directly characterize the galactic environmental parameters at SN locations, compare them to those at different locations of the galaxy, and put constraints on progenitor stars for different SN types. Here, I will summarize past works and present on­going efforts, including the PISCO compilation and the...
Dr. Luis Galbany
22/03/2018 - 12:30
Carbon Chemistry in Carbon-rich AGB stars
The chemistry of carbon in evolved stars will be discussed from the observational and chemical modelling point of view. From the photosphere of the central star to the external layers of the circumstellar envelope different chemical processes allow the formation of different carbon molecules, among them carbon clusters and carbon chain radicals. The chemistry if not completely understood as many reactions are involved in the formation of...
Prof. José Cernicharo
24/05/2018 - 12:30
On the ultra-compact dwarf galaxy-nuclear star cluster connection
Ultra-compact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) are predominatly found in the cores of nearby galaxy clusters, regions that are dominated by early-type galaxies, among them nucleated dwarf ellipticals. One of the favourite scenarios for the origin of UCDs is that they are isolated nuclei from threshed dwarf galaxies or maybe also from disrupted late-type spiral galaxies that fell into the clusters. In this scenario one would expect to find super...
Dr. Michael Hilker
Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia
El Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía se suma a la celebración del Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia, que busca visibilizar la labor científica de las mujeres y fomentar las vocaciones en las niñas
15/02/2018 - 12:30
Can CALIFA tell us something about the cosmic evolution of the star formation rate and stellar mass of the Universe?
We investigate the cosmic evolution of the absolute and specific star formation rate (SFR, sSFR) of galaxies as derived from a spatially-resolved study of the stellar populations in a set of nearby galaxies from the CALIFA survey. The results show again the uniqueness of the CALIFA survey to characterize the cosmic evolution of the spatially- resolved SFR and stellar mass of galaxies. Also the success of the fossil record of the stellar...
Prof. Rosa González
25/01/2018 - 19:00
Astrofísica con ondas gravitacionales: una nueva ventana al universo
En 2015, después de décadas de infructuoso trabajo, tuvo lugar la primera detección de ondas gravitacionales provenientes de la fusión de dos agujeros negros, confirmando las predicciones hechas por Albert Einstein cien años atrás. En 2017 se alcanzó un nuevo hito con la observación de forma simultánea de ondas gravitacionales y electromagnéticas generadas en un mismo evento, en este caso la fusión de dos estrellas de neutrones, abriéndose así...
Antonio de Ugarte
14/12/2017 - 19:00
Matemáticas y música: la construcción de la belleza
Hablar de construcción de la belleza en música es algo natural. Sin embargo, conectar esto con las matemáticas es menos evidente. En realidad, las relaciones entre música y matemáticas son muy estrechas. Las matematicas han acompañado todo el desarrollo histórico de la teoría musical. Y las estructuras matemáticas ofrecen y han ofrecido un verdadero lenguaje para la composición musical. En esta charla veremos cómo la construcción de la belleza...
Pieralberto Sicbaldi
Desgranando Ciencia IV
Alrededor de 150 investigadores y expertos en divulgación científica se dan cita para explicar al público la ciencia más actual de la forma más increíble. 
15/03/2018 - 12:30
Navigating the Universe : « Cosmic Flows » program
I will present the evolution of the “Cosmic Flows” program spanning ten years of research since its inception in 2006. From CF1 to the latest CF3 data-set, an order of magnitude in the number of observational galaxy distances is gained, meanwhile the cosmographied volume is multiplied by 150. A theoretical framework has been developed so as to accommodate and analyze the data. This includes the Bayesian reconstruction tools of the Wiener filter...
Professor Hélène Courtois 
07/03/2018 - 12:30
Mesa redonda: "Luces y sombras en la carrera científica de las mujeres. Hacia una igualdad efectiva entre hombres y mujeres."
Componentes de la mesa: Laly Gallego, contratada predoctoral Marta González, contratada postdoctoral Rosa González, primera profesora de investigación del IAA Rosa de Castro, gestora de proyectos europeos Nuria Rico, profesora de la ETS de Ingenierías Informática y de Telecomunicaciones de la UGR. Lucia Estevan, contratada FPU de la UGR y activista de la plataforma @huelga8mgranada Coordina: Isabel Márquez, vicedirectora del IAA
Mesa redonda
22/02/2018 - 12:30
The luminous S-star cluster in the Galactic center allows us to study the physics close to a super-massive black hole including distinctive dynamical tests of general relativity. Our best estimates for the mass of and the distance to Sgr A* is currently obtained using the three shortest period stars. Additionally, we aimed at a new and practical method to investigate the relativistic orbits of stars in the gravitational field near Sgr A...
Prof. Andreas Eckart
30/11/2017 - 19:00
Y el dolor nos cayó del cielo
Recorrido histórico y alegórico del dolor, que comenzará con referencias del Génesis y culminará revisando las dolencias de los astronautas
Ignacio Velázquez Rivera
25/01/2018 - 12:30
Diffuse Ionized Gas in CALIFA (and MaNGA) galaxies
We use spatially resolved spectroscopy from the CALIFA survey to study the nature of the line emitting gas in galaxies of different Hubble types, focusing on the separation of star-forming (SF) regions from those better characterized as diffuse ionized gas (DIG). The diagnosis is carried out in terms of the equivalent width of Ha (W_Ha). Three nebular regimes are identified: (1) Regions where W_Ha...
Dr. Roberto Cid Fernandes
20/11/2017 - 24/11/2017
Little Workshop on Large Scale Structure
18/01/2018 - 12:30
Dust belts around Proxima Centauri. First results from a multi-department project at the IAA
In this talk I will present the results of an exploratory program we carried out at the ALMA Observatory soon after the discovery of a terrestrial planet candidate in a temperate orbit around Proxima Centauri, the star closest to our Sun. Our ALMA observations reveal the presence of a belt of dust orbiting the star at distances ranging between 1 and 4 au, approximately. This dust might trace a small-scale analog to our solar system's Kuiper Belt...
Dr. Guillem Anglada
16/11/2017 - 12:30
Surprising characteristics of the dwarf planet Haumea revealed by a stellar occultation
The solar system currently contains 8 planets and 5 dwarf planets. Among the 5 dwarf planets, 4 of them dwell in the transneptunian region, and among the transneptunian dwarf planets, the only one that remained poorly characterized was Haumea. This was because all other dwarf planets had been visited by spacecraft or had produced stellar occultations which allowed us to determine some of their basic physical properties with accuracy. The only...
Dr. Jose Luis Ortíz
16/10/2017 - 20/10/2017
Astrorob 2017 - Fifth Workshop on Robotic Autonomous Observatories
Mazagón (Huelva)
30/11/2017 - 12:30
GRB 170817A: a peculiar low-luminosity short gamma-ray burst associated with a NS-NS merger gravitational wave signal
Short-duration gamma-ray bursts (sGRBs) have long been proposed to be produced in systems involving the coalescence of double neutron stars (NS-NS), and the observations of sGRB afterglows and host galaxies are consistent with such a conjecture. Based on the estimated event rate density derived from previously observed sGRBs at cosmological distances, the chance of detecting a sGRB within a small volume for detectable NS-NS mergers by advanced...
Dr. Binbin Zhang
02/11/2017 - 12:30
W170817/GRB 170817A/AT2017gfo: A Tryptich of Rosetta Stones for Compact Object Astrophysics
On the 17th of August 2017, an astronomical event occurred which represents a watershed in our understanding of neutron stars. The LIGO and Virgo gravitational-wave observatories detected the first compact binary inspiral produced by two neutron stars, which was followed about two seconds later by a short GRB, labelled GRB 170817A, detected by the GBM instrument on Fermi. The detection by all three GW observatories allowed the error region to be...
Dr. David Alexander Kann
11/01/2018 - 12:30
Dynamics and properties of gas at the Center of the Galaxy
In the central parsec of the Milky Way Galaxy the environment of the super-massive black hole (SMBH) presents a complicated composition that includes a very young star cluster mixed with qby tidally stretched clouds of ionized gas (the Minispiral). The Galactic Center's inner few tens of arcseconds have been observed at high resolution with Keck for 20 years, with the primary goal of monitoring stars orbiting the SMBH. This unique baseline of...
Dr. Anna Ciurlo
26/10/2017 - 19:00
Simetrías en Granada: indagando en la estructura de la belleza
Las simetrías forman parte latente, y en ocasiones patente, de la naturaleza y la materia.
Álvaro Martínez Sevilla
19/10/2017 - 12:30
Bringing science to kids and general public at the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur
It is important to transmit the science developed in a research institution to the public. This transmission helps to increase the scientific culture of the general public, and also can help to awake scientific vocations in the kids. During this talk I will present several actions carried out at the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (Nice, France), to bring astronomy to the school children and also to the general public. I will talk about the...
Dr. Olga Suarez
26/10/2017 - 12:30
The Supernovae that Accompany Gamma-ray bursts
Energetic supernovae have been seen to occur at the same spatial locations as long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). These so-called gamma-ray burst supernovae (GRB-SNe) are bright and energetic, and their spectra indicate that material within in the supernova outflow moves at tens of thousands of kilometres per second. The first GRB-SN was observed in 1998, with only 50 in the intervening years. Over the past two decades, the physical...
Dr. Zach Cano
05/10/2017 - 12:30
Dust evolution in the interstellar medium
Dust grains play a crucial role in many physical and chemical processes in the interstellar medium (ISM) and in protoplanetary disks (PPDs). In the ISM, dust properties influence, for example, the formation and temperature of the major molecules in molecular clouds. It is therefore important to characterise the grain size, structure, shape and material composition in all phases of the ISM. Observations of the dust SED and extinction give...
Dr. Melanie Köehler
La Noche de tod@s
Este viernes, 29 de septiembre, en el Paseo del Salón de Granada más de 300 investigadores mostrarán a la ciudadanía la ciencia pública que se realiza en esta ciudad.
23/11/2017 - 12:30
Fighting in Maya ruins: Data Engineering, Data Science, computation clusters and the trans-neptunian search tool
IAA is sitting under a gold mine of data, achieved in past observing campaigns, that will be increased with the data coming from next instrumentation. A tool that can exploit the wealth beneath our feet is the Engineering and Data Science (EDS). This lecture will introduces the EDS and its application on preliminary analysis on a concrete astronomical problem: the search of trans-neptunian objects. Two of the tools used in this analysis will...
Dr. Rafael Morales
09/11/2017 - 12:30
Conclusions after the first work of Master's degree in Data Science at the IAA
Advanced algorithms of automatic learning and/or massive data processing, applied to astronomical data, promise to provide very pleasant surprises. Both types of algorithms are part of the field of Data Science research. Taking advantage of the fact that Granada has a worldwide reference group in Data Science (Soft Computing and Intelligent Information Systems, directed by Francisco Herrera), a collaboration with the IAA...
Dr. Rafael Morales
27/09/2017 - 12:30
High-z proto-clusters with the GTC
The study of high-z proto-clusters are important for constraining several cosmological parameters. These clusters are hard to find as they do no yet emit the strong X-ray emission typical of the local clusters. These proto-clusters are however found either around strong QSO’s or more often around strong star-forming galaxies. Incidentally, they are also found around strong sub-millimetre galaxies. We have undertaken a search for Lyα sources...
Prof. Jose Miguel Rodríguez-Espinosa
Llega la lluvia de estrellas de las Perseidas
El Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC) y el Observatorio de Calar Alto participan en dos propuestas de divulgación relacionadas con la lluvia de estrellas
25/09/2017 - 28/09/2017
Dust and Ice Particles Spectroscopy and Scattering
16/10/2017 - 12:00
SKA Science Data Centres: A Platform for Global Astronomy
M. Wise: The SKA is an ambitious project to construct one the world’s more powerful radio telescopes and enable transformational science across a wide range of research areas. Based on current projections, the SKA Observatory, once operational, is expected to produce an archive of standard data products with a growth rate on the order of 300 petabytes per year. Although the challenges associated with populating and maintaining the SKA science...
Prof. Michael Wise & Prof. Ian Wird
21/09/2017 - 12:30
Analogue spacetimes
Analogue spacetimes, (as opposed to general relativity spacetimes), arise when applying the mathematics of differential geometry to generic physical systems. As long as the perturbations have finite propagation speed, then the causal structure can be summarized by propagation cones, similar to the light cones of general relativity; thereby defining a conformal structure. Often one can go further and define an analogue Lorentzian metric....
Prof. Matt Visser
14/09/2017 - 12:30
Hydrodynamical models of planetary nebulae with [WC] central stars
High-resolution, long-slit spectroscopic observations of two planetary nebulae, M1-32 and M3-15 are presented. The observations were obtained with the 2.1-m telescope at the OAN- SPM, and MES spectrograph. M1-32 shows wide wings on the base of its emission lines, M3-15 has two very faint high-velocity knots. To model M1-32 and M3-15 we built a 3D model consisting in a jet interacting with an equatorially concentrated slow wind, emulating the...
Jackeline Rechy Garcia
07/09/2017 - 12:30
High resolution radio imaging of nearby star-forming galaxies: on the way to SKA
The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) will be a key instrument in the study of our local Universe. In particular, by virtue of its high sensitivity (both to point sources and diffuse low surface brightness emission), angular resolution and the frequency ranges covered, the SKA will undertake a very wide range of astrophysical research in the field of nearby galaxies. By surveying nearby galaxies of all types with microJy sensitivity and sub-arcsecond...
Prof. Antxon Alberdi
29/06/2017 - 19:00
Simetrías de las partículas y las interacciones: ¿el Higgs como escapatoria?
La Estructura Unificada de las Partículas Elementales y sus Interacciones ha encontrado dos grandes obstrucciones matemáticas. Una escapatoria a ambos problemas, no resueltos, la proporciona el Mecanismo de Higgs-Kibble, que supone la introducción de la misteriosa partícula Higgs (conocida como partícula de dios, no con la acepción religiosa, sino en el sentido de maldita) en el escenario del Modelo Estándar de Partículas.
Víctor Aldaya
Conferencias sobre Marte: 'The Martian puzzle'
Conferencias 'The Martian puzzle'
04/10/2018 - 12:30
The European VLBI Network (EVN) and user cases to improve your science
The European VLBI Network (EVN) is a network of radio telescopes located primarily in Europe and Asia, with additional antennas in South Africa and Puerto Rico. The combination of such extended network of telescopes provides an extremely high angular resolution (down to milliarcsecond scales). In addition to that, and given its unparalleled sensitivity on this type of observations, the EVN becomes a genuine instrument to observe an enormous...
Dr. Benito Marcote
Este verano, visita dos observatorios
Ya está abierto el plazo de reservas para las visitas al Observatorio de Sierra Nevada y la antena de 30 metros de IRAM para el este verano 2019
25/05/2017 - 19:00
H2O. Agua
El agua, H2O, es la matriz de la vida. Al mismo tiempo una molécula sencilla y una substancia muy especial con propiedades extraordinarias y universales, que inextricablemente permea la estructura social, ecológica, biológica y geológica de la Tierra (¿y en cuántos otros exoplanetas?). Haremos un breve recorrido por algunas de las propiedades de la molécula, de la substancia, y de su inmanente presencia.
Enrique Pérez Jiménez
Granada desvela los secretos del universo
“Desvelando los secretos del Universo” es una propuesta turística, cultural y formativa que pretende enseñar astronomía a la par que mostrar y hacer vivir la ciudad de Granada
11/05/2017 - 12:30
The Early History of Gamma-ray Bursts
The discovery of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs), and the subsequent realization that they are the result of the largest and most distant explosions in the Universe, represents one of the most surprising and fundamental discoveries in astronomy in the past century. Several space-borne and ground-based breakthrough observations in GRBs that led to this realization occurred during the 1990’s. This discovery resulted in the award of the 2011 Shaw Prize...
Prof. Gerald J. Fishman
28/04/2017 - 12:30
Gravitational waves: the "other light" from Cosmos
First direct detections of gravitational waves were reported in the first half of 2016. These observations represented: i) a confirmation of a fundamental prediction of General Relativity dynamics, and ii) a demonstration of the existence of binaries of stellar-mass black holes capable of merging in a timescale shorter than the Universe's age. This talk will review the basic elements needed to frame the two statements above. The presentation...
Prof. J.L. Jaramillo
19/04/2017 - 12:00
Te espían, te estudian y te controlan: dale importancia a tu privacidad en la red
Esta charla va a tratar sobre conocimientos básicos que deberías tener para proteger tu privacidad cuando navegas por Internet. ¿Qué es la privacidad en la red? ¿Por qué debería importarnos? ¿Cuánta información producimos? ¿En qué sentido nos hace vulnerables? "¿Qué más da que me vigilen si no hago nada malo?" ¿De quién debemos defendernos? ¿Qué herramientas tenemos para ello? ¿Quién está de nuestro lado?
José Alberto Orejuela García (Universidad de Granada) - Salón de Actos del Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC)
27/04/2017 - 19:00
Inteligencia Artificial: Un arcano con nombre bonito
¿Qué puede y qué no puede hacerse con la I.A.?
José Luis Verdegay
18/05/2017 - 12:30
Bombs and flares at the Surface and Lower Atmosphere of the Sun
A spectacular manifestation of solar activity, is the appearance of transient brightenings in the far wings of the H(alpha) line, originally known as "Hydrogen bombs” but now as "Ellerman bombs" (EBs) after their discoverer. Recent observations obtained by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) have revealed another type of plasma ``bombs'' (UV bursts) with high temperatures of perhaps up to 80 000 K within the cooler lower solar...
Prof. Viggo Hansteen
03/04/2017 - 07/04/2017
7th Solar Orbiter Workshop
29/06/2017 - 12:30
An overview of the first science from the Sunrise II mission
On June, 2013, a second edition of the Sunrise stratospheric, balloon-borne mission took place from Kiruna (Sweden) to Northern Canada. During these five days, the instruments aboard Sunrise were observing the Sun for long periods of stable conditions. New and interesting science has come out from this second flight, which has been published in a special issue of ApJ Supplement. In this talk, I’ll summarize a bunch of these first results to...
Dr. Jose Carlos del Toro Iniesta
Expertos internacionales en Big Data se reúnen en Granada en el marco del proyecto SKA-Link
El Square Kilometre Array (SKA), un radiotelescopio compuesto por miles de antenas distribuidas en Australia y Sudáfrica, será la mayor infraestructura científica jamás construida. Su producción de datos será diez veces mayor que el tráfico actual de internet mundial, y el proyecto SKA-Link trabajará en que la forma en que SKA los analice se convierta en referencia de Ciencia Abierta
25/05/2017 - 12:30
The Faint End of the HI Mass Function
Low-mass galaxies are the most numerous type of extragalactic system at all epochs of the universe. The population of low-mass galaxies in the local volume allows unique astrophysical and cosmological perspectives that are unavailable in more distant or more massive systems. The ALFALFA blind extragalactic HI survey has cataloged tens of thousands of gas-rich galaxies in the local universe and has populated the faint end of the HI mass...
John Cannon
01/06/2017 - 12:30
Servicios Administrativos en el IAA
La actividad científica e investigadora en el IAA, requiere el apoyo y soporte de gestión de las unidades de servicios administrativos. Estas se componen de los servicios económico-administrativos y los servicios generales (Biblioteca, Mantenimiento, Ordenanzas). Estas unidades gestionan los medios y recursos materiales, económicos y personales que el IAA tiene asignado. Se expondrá una visión general de los servicios, con la tareas...
Fernado Bordons, Gerente del IAA
